South Central Music Bulletin

A Refereed, Open-Access Journal

edited by Nico Schüler, Texas State University

ISSN 1545-2271

Home (Subscription) - Download Issues - Index of Articles - Information for Authors


Information for Contributors

General Information
The South Central Music Bulletin (SCMB) is a refereed, purely electronic, open-access journal. SCMB invites the submission of articles on all aspects of music and music research.

Length of Contributions
There is no limit for the length of contributions.

SCMB does not accept paper copies of contributions. All submissions are to be e-mailed in Rich Text Format or Word Format to the editor. For other formats, authors should contact the editor.
Graphics, such as musical examples, must be provided in separate tiff files with a resolution of 600dpi. The submission deadlines are February 10 (for the Spring issue, to be published in April) and August 10 (for the Fall issue, to be published in October).

Peer-Review Process
Members of SCMB's Review Board will judge contributions on originality, relevance, interest to a diverse audience, and clarity of writing. The author of an accepted manuscript may be asked to revise the article.

In accordance with the guidelines given in the Chicago Manual of Style, SCMB uses the author-date system of citation. For additional explanations, SCMB uses footnotes (since vol. III, no. 1). For the style of bibliographies, authors should consult any article in the latest issue of SCMB. Long musical examples and complex diagrams or charts should be avoided. Before submission, authors must obtain permission to reproduce any copyrighted material.

Contributions are accepted with the understanding that the editor may revise them for greater conciseness, clarity, and conformity with SCMB's style. Manuscripts are refereed, and authors are sent proofs (via e-mail only) before publication, to which authors need to reply within seven days.

For any other question, please contact the editor:

Dr. Nico Schüler
SCMB Editor
School of Music
Texas State University
601 University Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666
Phone: 512-245-3395
E-mail: nico.schuler AT (please, substitute "AT" with "@" and omit spaces)